Module Hygiene in Python

We can and should do more to clean up our Python namespaces!
Design Patterns

Joe(y) Carpinelli


August 27, 2022

Python Namespaces

Ask yourself the following question: where in a Python program can you store variables which are distinct from the rest of your program? As you think of answers to this question, you can loosely think about anything in Python which is dot-accessible, e.g. <something>.attribute; in this example, <something> is functioning as a namespace.

Definition: namespace

In computer programming, a namespace refers to some element of a program which separates named variables from the rest of the program.

There are plenty of examples of namespaces in Python: modules, classes, class instances, etc. In fact, all of those examples are object instances in Python! Each assertion made in the code below evaluates to True.

# Modules are objects!
assert isinstance(__builtins__, object) 

# Classes are objects!
assert isinstance(int, object)

# Class instances are objects!
assert isinstance(int(0), object)

For the remainder of this post, let’s focus on Python modules specifically. We can and should do more to make Python modules sparse!

Python Modules

Definition: module

In computer programming, modules are explicit namespace declarations which provide separate compartments in your program where variable names are distinct. A new variable declared in one module is different than a new variable declared in another module, even if those variables have the same name!

In Python, modules are defined by .py files. There’s no easily supported way to create modules dynamically, though that would make for a nice future post! You need to write your module’s contents to a .py file, make that file available on sys.path, and then load that module, i.e. with an import statement. The sys.path variable is where Python will look for the name something when you type import something.

You can check this path yourself! Try import sys; print(sys.path) sometime.

Two Categories of Dependencies

I’d like to define two terms before we continue: import-time, and usage-time. Import-time refers to the moment when a module is first loaded; the module is executed just as if you pasted each line into a Python interpreter. Usage-time refers to all subsequent usage of a Python module.

import numpy # import time
print(numpy.abs(-1)) # usage time

This distinction will be important for the module hygiene recipe described later! Python developers commonly load import-time and usage-time dependencies at the top of their modules. If you instead separate import-time and usage-time dependencies, you can safely remove all import-time dependencies from your module’s namespace!

Module Example:

Let’s pretend the code block below is placed in a file called If this file is in a directory found in sys.path, then you have access to a module titled coordinates! Everything defined in will be available to you, even variables defined with leading underscores.

In your new module, coordinates, we’ll bring in some math functions from numpy, define a public-facing function for users of our module, and define some temporarily necessary variables. As you read through, try to find the variables which are only temporarily necessary!


Once the full module is loaded, do we really need any of the typing variables anymore?

Pretend this is the contents of a new Python module, 
"". This module provides common coordinate 
transformations for you!

# First, let's define some types to help us 
# write declaritive & modern Python code!

Real = int | float 
from typing import NamedTuple

# We'll also need some math functions from numpy. 
# We could use Python's built-in `abs`, `sqrt`, 
# `sin`, and `cos` functions, but numpy's versions 
# will have better performance.

from numpy import arctan2 as atan2, sqrt, cos, sin

# Finally, my favorite Python package: plum-dispatch. 
# It provides Julia-like type dispatching to Python! 
# Of course, you take a performance hit, but look at 
# how clean the code below is! 🤩

from plum import dispatch

# Now that we have the setup out of the way, let's 
# add some functionality!

class Rectangular(NamedTuple):
    Defines a two-dimensional rectangular coordinate.
    x: Real
    y: Real

class Polar(NamedTuple):
    Defines a two-dimensional polar coordinate.
    r: Real
    θ: Real

def rectangular(coordinate: Rectangular) -> Rectangular:
    return coordinate

def rectangular(coordinate: Polar) -> Rectangular:
    return Rectangular(
        x = coordinate.r * cos(coordinate.θ),
        y = coordinate.r * sin(coordinate.θ),

def polar(coordinate: Rectangular) -> Polar:
    return Polar(
        r = sqrt(coordinate.x**2 + coordinate.y**2),
        θ = atan2(-coordinate.y, coordinate.x),

def polar(coordinate: Polar) -> Polar:
    return coordinate

Now if you load using import coordinates, and then you inspect the contents of the module, what will you find? You’ll certaintly find names which are the purpose of the package, such as the Rectangular and Polar, and the rectangular and polar methods. Unfortunately, you’ll also find a lot of names you aren’t intended to use: Real, NamedTuple, atan2, sqrt, cos, sin, and dispatch.

Most Python developers just ignore all of those names, and that is absolutely fine. Personally, as I write Python code, these extra names irk me a bit; why am I providing names which I never intend for my users to use?

Module Cleanup Recipe

We can get rid of the extraneous names in our modules by simply calling del on each unwanted name at the end of our module files. If this pattern is used, users will be able to programatically check for your public API by reading the contents of yourmodule.__export__, and IDE tab-completion won’t show any private names.

This pattern comes in three steps: define names which you intend to keep, write the primary contents of your module, and delete all unwanted names at the end of your module. There’s one additional concept you’ll need to keep in mind: you can no longer follow the common Python practice of importing usage-time dependencies at the top-level of your module! Instead, you can do so at the beginning of each function definition.

Sound weird? Fear not! The rest of this post walks through this pattern in detail, and provides a bit more information which can help you determine if this pattern is useful for you.

Define Exported Names

Rust specifies elements of a public API by using the keyword pub. Julia specifies exported names with the keyword export. Python can provide the means to accomplish (practically) the same thing! (Let’s decide to define an __export__variable in all of our Python modules.) This __export__ variable should be some kind str collection, like a list, tuple, set, or any other Iterable type. Personally, I like using the set type because it feels most in keeping with the spirit of an exported names collection; names can’t be repeated, and order doesn’t matter!

This rule also applies to packages and subpackages because they are also Python modules!
__export__ = {
    "Rectangular", "Polar",
    "rectangular", "polar",

Import Temporary Names

With this __export__ collection defined, we can safely include any temporary names we want, just as we normally would. This commonly includes types defined in the built-in typing package. Import all of the temporary functionality you need, and don’t worry about polluting your module’s namespace; we’ll clean up this namespace soon!

Real = int | float
from typing import NamedTuple
from plum import dispatch

Implement the Public API

You have the temporary names you need to add proper typing and import-time functionality to your public API. Let’s actually write the API! This is equivalent to all of your exported names, as declared above in __export__.

Note that, so far, we have only imported the import-time dependencies. We can’t import our usage-time dependencies in our module without adding them to __export__; otherwise, our module will throw a NameError as it attempts to reference previously deleted names!

For example, if we write from numpy import sin, cos in our top-level module, and then delete sin and cos at the end of the module, all code which relies on sin and cos at usage-time will be calling undefined functions! Rather than throw all of our usage-time dependencies into __export__, we can simply add them to our function definitions. If you’re worried that those imports will be loaded every time you call the function, don’t! Each import statement within a function is only evaluated the first time you call the function.

class Rectangular(NamedTuple):
    Defines a two-dimensional rectangular coordinate.
    x: Real
    y: Real

class Polar(NamedTuple):
    Defines a two-dimensional polar coordinate.
    r: Real
    θ: Real

def rectangular(coordinate: Rectangular) -> Rectangular:
    return coordinate

def rectangular(coordinate: Polar) -> Rectangular:
    # We've moved this import from the top-level module to within this function! 
    from numpy import sin, cos 
    return Rectangular(
        x = coordinate.r * cos(coordinate.θ),
        y = coordinate.r * sin(coordinate.θ),

def polar(coordinate: Rectangular) -> Polar:
    # We've moved this import from the top-level module to within this function! 
    from numpy import sqrt, arctan2 as atan2
    return Polar(
        r = sqrt(coordinate.x**2 + coordinate.y**2),
        θ = atan2(-coordinate.y, coordinate.x),

def polar(coordinate: Polar) -> Polar:
    return coordinate

Delete Private Names

Now your module definition is coming to a close! You’re done implementing all of the features of your project, and you’re about to type if __name__ == "__main__". What I’m proposing, with this whole blog post, is this: don’t stop there! Add an else condition to that if statement!

If your module is not the top-level program (known as “main”), then you should clean up all of your non-exported names with the pattern below! You need to put this pattern under an else condition (or a __name__ != "__main__" condition) because Python interpreters, like IPython, stick “magic” global variables in the top-level namespace. You don’t want to delete those!

if __name__ != "__main__":
    for _ in (*locals(), "_"):
        if not _.startswith("__") and _ not in __export__:
            del locals()[_]


This all might seem a bit strange, but I really like this design pattern. When writing code in this way, I find I’m constantly thinking about the required lifetime of each name I introduce. For simplicity’s sake, there’s a strong argument in favor of keeping each name for the shortest possible lifetime. Following this advice to its conclusion results in Python modules which are sparse, simple for users to interact with and understand, and which have clearly separated import-time and usage-time dependencies.

Check out my open-source Python package, module-hygiene, which implements the recipe described in this post!

This is personal writing; the words here do not reflect the views of any organization, employer, or entity, except for the author as an individual.